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Citizen Mint


Newsletter 4/05/24: The data center electricity boom, using AI to scale advisor efficiency and more


In this week’s newsletter check out an interesting graphic visualizing the growing electricity demand from data centers, driven largely by the amount of computing power required by AI. In our news section learn what high-net-worth prospects want from a financial advisor, a new method to recycle lithium-ion batteries, using AI to scale advisor efficiency and more.

Let’s jump into it.

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The Growing Demand from Data Centers

“The growing demand from data centers is especially notable, as they are big energy consumers. Like it or not, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is seeping into every aspect of our lives—even in our sustainable infrastructure corner of the world! Great things will happen through AI but there are clearly concerns. As AI becomes ubiquitous, the demand for electricity by the data centers that supply the necessary computing power is expected to increase markedly.
Boston Consulting Group says that US data centers used 2.5% of all domestic electricity in 2022 but that demand will triple to 7.5% by 2030. Clearly, this poses a challenge. Big Tech is aware of this, with Google, Amazon, Meta, Microsoft, Apple, cryptominers and others all scrambling to secure new data centers and the power, water and data and transmission lines required to run them. Thankfully, much of the newer power being supplied comes from solar, wind and hydro sources. We see opportunity in providing power to such data centers, as well as new solutions like energy storage to help manage the load.”


The News Wrap-up

What high-net-worth prospects (really) want from a financial advisor

“In this video-based article, Michael Kitces and John Bowen, CEO and founder of CEG Worldwide dive into CEG’s extensive data on the “gap” between the services that financial advisors actually offer to their clients and what HNW clients truly want from their advisors. The discussion highlights the often-misinterpreted needs of HNW clients and how advisors can ensure their services are aligned to meet their clients’ expectations most effectively.”

Scientists advance methods to recycle lithium-ion batteries with new remedy

“The power of oranges may soon transcend food and drink. That’s because experts in the U.S. Energy Department’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory are using the fruit’s acid to help make a solution that can recycle crucial and expensive lithium-ion battery parts. If the team from Tennessee can perfect the mix, it could result in lower power pack costs, and ultimately, electric vehicle costs. “We are glad this recycling process developed by our scientists can pave the way for greater recovery of battery critical materials,” Ilias Belharouak, head of the lab’s electrification section, said in an Oak Ridge summary. “

This California city is trading an old gas plant for a giant grid battery

“For a decade, twin smokestacks loomed against the bright blue skies of Menifee, in Southern California’s Inland Empire. But the old gas combustion plant came down, and on the flat industrial site it left behind an army of batteries is now being assembled. When it comes online this summer, developer Calpine’s Nova power bank will store more electricity than all but one battery plant currently operating in the U.S. The billion-dollar project, with 680 megawatts and 2,720 megawatt-hours, will help California shift its nation-leading solar generation into the critical evening and nighttime hours, bolstering the grid against the heat waves that have pushed it to the brink multiple times in recent years.”

Using AI to scale personalization and advisor efficiency

“When someone tells you, “This time it’s different!” you usually have to steel yourself against a shady sales pitch. AI is proving to be an exception to that rule. The possibilities for practical AI business applications have already evolved far beyond ChatGPT-style bots and blog drafts. Advisors need to get serious about developing an AI gameplan. But before you make any investments in tech, you need to invest your time to learn about where AI is going and identify integrations that will add real value for your employees and your clients. On today’s show, Vinay Nair and I survey the state of AI in financial services. We also explain why the rise of AI is going to make your team’s person-to-person skills even more critical.”

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